Congregational Discernment

Many churches struggle when they're at a crossroads. Why are things different than they used to be? Where are we going in the future? Small Church Solutions can help your congregation develop a Mission Statement, Vision or set clear goals.

Congregational Discernment

Change is a part of congregational life. Like a person, a congregation only stops changing when it dies. Changes, however, bring anxiety and uncertaintly. They often bring a congregation to a crossroads, where they need to make a major decision. Small Church Solutions can help facilitate this decision making process. Whether you are considering merging with another congregation, merging services, trying to decide how to manage an aging building, or generally uncertain about the future, Small Church Solutions is here for you. This service will lead a congregation through healthy discussions and allow you to reach a major decision, through a process of spiritual discernment and open conversations.

How it works

"γνῶθι σεαυτόν"

"Know thyself" - Socrates

Through a series of directed conversations, we will help your vestry/board, committee, or whole congregation flesh out the will of the Spirit for your church. These conversations will involve prayer, and mutual listening. Meetings can be done over Zoom or in person. Once we have had initial conversations, deeper exploration can take place. Depending on the need of the group or congregation, we can help you pinpoint your church's direction.

Our method does not have a one-sized-fits-all approach. We draw from spritual direction and interim/transition ministry concepts. There are no inventories, tools or gimmicks. Rather this builds on listening, and previous discussions to help dig deeper, get at the heart of issues and help create long-term visioning and direction for your church.

Mission Statements and Visioning

Most organizations have a mission or vision statement. However, many mission statements are forgettable, or only obliquely describe what the organization does. An effective organization has spent time developing a mission or vision, and out of that process can articulate a mission statement. Small Church Solutions can help facilitate a process for your congregation that will help you understand your place in your community or denomination. This process, in turn, will help your church have more vitality and a sense of purpose.


Check out our pricing page for rates, by clicking here.


If you would like to use Small Church Solution's services or make further inquiries, contact by clicking here.